16 Dec

In recent years, stem cell research has become an increasingly popular area of study because of their ability to differentiate into various cells. Stem cells are found in productive organs throughout the body and can either self-renew or duplicate themselves through mitosis. Each cell produces two identical daughter cells which, at this point, remain undifferentiated (without specialized functions).

Adult Stem Cells
Undifferentiated cells that are found within mature tissues or organs that can be used for transplantation therapy after expansion in culture. Although they cannot generate every tissue type like embryonic stem cells (ESCs), adult stem cells retain morphological plasticity (ability to change) even well beyond 100+ passages . They have been reported to not only assist in cellular replacement and tissue regeneration, but also modulate the immune response and improve metabolic function.

Embryonic Stem Cells
Derived from the blastocyst stage of embryonic development, ESCs are pluripotent – meaning they can differentiate into any cell type in the body. They are capable of forming any tissue or organ in a living organism and hold great promise for regenerative medicine. However, their use is highly controversial because embryos must be destroyed to obtain them.

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs): A more recent discovery, iPSCs are adult cells that have been genetically reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell-like state. This makes them functionally equivalent to ESCs and they can be used for therapeutic purposes without the controversy surrounding ESCs.

There are several methods of stem cell production, but most require cells to be harvested, grown in culture and then either used for transplantation or inserted into a specially designed matrix (scaffold) for implantation into the body. Harvested cells can be expanded by culturing them in vitro or inserting them into scaffolds where they proliferate to form 3D structures known as "constructs". There are certain risks associated with both procedures. Culturing cells can lead to genetic changes rendering them different from their original state while using scaffolds requires surgery to implant them which also has inherent risks . Researchers have discovered that inducing pluripotency in adult stem cells could provide an alternative solution that eliminates these limitations.

iPSCs are adult cells that have been genetically reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell-like state. This makes them functionally equivalent to ESCs and they can be used for therapeutic purposes without the controversy surrounding ESCs.

One potential application of iPSCs is in regenerative medicine. Regenerative medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on restoring or replacing tissue or organs that have been damaged by injury, disease or age. This can be done through transplantation therapy or using cells to induce endogenous repair. 

Endogenous repair refers to the body's ability to heal itself without the need for transplants or external intervention.

One major obstacle preventing widespread use of stem cells in regenerative medicine is the lack of efficient methods for delivering them to the target tissue. This is where iPSCs have a distinct advantage over other types of stem cells. Because they are pluripotent, iPSCs can be differentiated into any type of cell required for therapy. They can also be engineered to express specific proteins that will allow them to home in on the damaged tissue.
Once they reach the target site, iPSCs can either differentiate into the necessary cell types or secrete growth factors that promote endogenous repair . The advantages of using iPSCs in regenerative medicine include:

  1. Their ability to be differentiated into any type of cell needed for therapy.
  2. Their ability to home in on damaged tissue.
  3. Their ability to promote endogenous repair.
  4. Their ability to suppress the immune response.

Regenerative medicine using stem cells is a promising field that has already shown success in lab-grown blood vessels and cartilage . However, much more research needs to be done before it can be used for treatment purposes. Researchers are currently studying iPSCs in several different medical fields including heart disease, brain injury, diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease among others.

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